We rely on funding and charitable donations to ensure that we can provide our service to the people that need us.
We are particularly grateful to Fife Health & Social Care Partnership and the National Lottery Community Care Fund for their financial support.
Our funding is used to:
Your donation would be gratefully received, if you can afford a few pounds a month that would be fantastic, and would be of great support to us and the people we help.
A gift in your Will would help us to continue the services we offer.
Thank you!
If you wish to make a donation, for which we would be most grateful, please send a cheque made payable to:
Continuing Care Service North East Fife to:
Graeme Scott, Treasurer
Tree Tops
12 Seatoun Place
Lower Largo
Fife KY8 6BL.
If however you prefer to pay by BACS, please contact Graeme Scott (01333 329186) for our bank details.